Frequently Asked Questions

Is a ticket to The taste for Los Al tax deductible?

Yes. OUR Los Al is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible to “the fullest extent allowed by the law.” Our Federal TX ID is 91-2154459.

How can Booster Clubs make money through this event?

Clubs or support groups can make money by at least four different ways.

  1. Selling tickets. For every $60 ticket sold, a club keeps $30 (if they get it by the 1st deadline);
  2. Silent auction;
  3. “Gear” table (gear sales, raffle, money tree, etc.);
  4. Partnering with restaurants to pick up and help serve food;
  5. Sponsorships. Get a business to be a sponsor, a club keeps 50% as a commission.

After booster groups get their ticket share, and their other proceeds (silent auction, raffles, partnerships, sponsorships), where does the rest of the money go?

OUR Los Al uses the balance of the event revenues to 1) pay event expenses (tables, linens, restaurant supplies, electrical, bathrooms, insurance, printing, security, etc. — approximately $41,000 last year); and 2) raise money for school facilities which benefit multiple groups.

Why two ticket deadlines with different returns?

The purpose is to motivate clubs to get in their information and ticket counts in a timely manner so we can:

  1. get a solid estimate of how many tables, chairs, etc to order;
  2. let restaurants know how much food to prepare
  3. make a complete list of who has bought tickets that we can have it at the front gate in case of discrepancies
  4. get paperwork hassle done prior to event, and get money back to clubs sooner

Can a club require its parents to buy tickets?

No. It is against California State law to mandate that a player or parent purchase an item to participate in a public high school activity.

You hand out the tickets to the clubs for free. What prevents people from not paying for the ticket but still using it?

Every ticket is numbered. We know exactly which group is responsible for each ticket, and each club tracks who in their group has each ticket. If an unaccounted for ticket (i.e., one that wasn’t paid for) shows up at the event, the value of that ticket is deducted from the club’s return.

When can clubs expect our ticket revenue back?

We wait min. 7 days to see if any checks bounce and for post-event accounting. Once that is done, we will have a check disbursal/photo opportunity in mid-November.

Why do booster clubs have to pay for each gear or silent auction table?

The price covers the amortized costs of the table, the linen, the tent, the lighting, the permits, etc. The costs are deducted from the payout AFTER the event.

If clubs get someone to donate an item to the silent auction, do they have to complete or sign anything?

While The Taste handles tent and mobile bidding logistics, each silent auction table is run by individual booster clubs. We can provide some sample donation solicitation letters but each club is responsible for finalizing its own letter for donations, using their own non-profit Tax ID# and putting down their own contact information.

How are silent auction credit card purchases being handled?

For raffles, etc each group can run credit card purchases through their own credit card set up. For the silent auction, costs are run through the company handling our mobile bidding (One Cause/BidPal). We just pass on the bank/card costs, and make no profit on this. Every booster group is assigned a two digit prefix (e.g., Aquatics is 11, Band-Jazz is 12, etc.), and then each auction item gets a 3-digit number. This way, in the case of a discrepancy, we will know if an item has been paid for or not. Clubs MUST use this numbering system, because invariably some person pays at the wrong club, and these numbers are how we get everything settled up correctly after the fact.

Do we need to provide volunteers for the event?

Yes, each club should provide at least 3-4 volunteers for a shift to either set up or take down. The Friday shift is from 3:30 to 5:30. The Saturday shifts are 10am-12noon, 12-2, and 3-5. We also have a Sunday 11-12 shift where 4-5 clubs help clean up the event site. NOTE: Each club is responsible for cleaning up its own silent auction area site.

What is OUR Los Al?

OUR Los Al (Organizations United to Renew Los Alamitos High School) is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Fed. Tax ID 91-2154459, founded in 2001 by local parents to support activities and improve facilities at Los Alamitos High School.
In 2001, OUR Los Al organized and hosted The Taste for Los Al which raised over $20,000. The Taste now sells around 3,500 tickets annually, raising around $250,000. In 22 years, the Taste has helped raise over $4 million, to support LAHS activities. Beginning in 2003, it took the lead in paying for the initial surveys and designs for the school’s all-weather track, and ultimately donated over $330,000 for the project which was completed in 2013.
OUR Los Al has also donated money for a new gym scoreboard, and field improvements for softball, soccer, wrestling, and lacrosse and the trainer’s room.

How do I become a participating Restaurant or Business Sponsor for the Taste for Los Al?

Online applications will be available HERE. Deadline to apply for a vendor booth is Monday September 22, 2023.

This year we’re going digital and produce a beautiful event program, which all of our attendees will be able to access via web link/QR code, and YOU can reach our 2500+ guests with an advertisement! Contact Larry Strawther with any questions. Learn more about pricing here. Submission deadline for your ad is Friday, September 22nd.
As an example, view the Taste of Laguna Beach 2022 book here for reference.

If you have any other questions, please contact:

Larry Strawther
cell: (562) 522-6670
email: taste4losal@gmail.com or larrystrawther@gmail.com

The Taste for Los Al